
What You Need to Know to Launch Your Own Podcast

There are many great reasons to start a podcast, five of which are…

  1. People are listening.
  2. Make a more personal connection with audience.
  3. You position yourself as an expert in your niche.
  4. Build your network.
  5. Potential to make money.

The first and foremost thing you need to do before you start your podcast is to really evaluate your why.

Although the above reasons are valid reasons to start a podcast, you should have a deeper and more personal why.

Producing a podcast is not for everyone and you must come up with your unique and personal reasons. My reasons may be different than yours. Understanding and staying focused on your why will help you get through the tough hurdles that arise and the drudgery of routine.

In this episode, I review the basic set-up procedures in starting your own podcast. Be sure to email podcast@gaylascrivener.com if you are facing hurdles starting your own podcast.

Additional Resources:

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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener
iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener