#022 – How to Tame Inbox Chaos

How to Tame Inbox Chaos

Do you have an uncontrollable Inbox with thousands of unopened emails lurking there? Do you hate even opening your email because there’s just so much stuff there and you don’t know even how to begin to organize it? Or do you have a good handle on it?

Either way, in this week’s podcast I talk all about practices you can implement to tame the beast many call “email.”

Nowadays, some people think that email communication is dead, but it isn’t. It is very alive and well within business communication. Big companies email between departments. Meetings are arranged through email. Reports are sent through email. Reminders and announcements are sent via email. It’s the culture of communication. But you are a small business. Is email still important? Absolutely!

If you let it, you can be consumed with reading and answering email all day long. Email is a wonderful tool and very much a part of any business. You don’t have to let emails control you, you can have control and effectively manage your time, your Inbox, and accomplish more.

In today’s episode, I go over some practices to tame the chaos of your Inbox. With just a few changes in your habits, you will save time and become more efficient in processing your email. Even achieving the “Inbox Zero” goal is possible.

I hope you enjoy today’s show and find it helpful. Below are the resources mentioned in the episode. I encourage you to use the tutorials below to create templates. By far, implementing email templates is, by far, the best time saver in being able to streamline answering routine emails and possibly even delegating.

Soon enrollment for the Accomplish More Academy will be open. I’m super excited about launching the academy. It is a place where I’ll go over in much more detail things like we talked about today.

I love all these techy tools, but I fully recognize that not everyone catches on as quickly as others may. It’s perfectly OK to not be techy. What’s not OK, at least in my opinion, is to let the techy stuff limit you.

Instead of struggling or wasting time trying to figure out some of the tech stuff, wouldn’t it be nice to have a place where you are free to ask questions and be shown how? The Accomplish More Academy is training for the busy entrepreneur who may feel like they aren’t very good with computers and are apprehensive about the technology.

We will have coaching and live training calls to cut to the chase in what you need to know. You’ll be able to get over your apprehension about the tech stuff. You’ll learn how tools are set up and how they interact. Whether you do any given process yourself or delegate it, you’ll understand the tools better, so you can develop a better strategies and systems for your business.

Enrollment for the Accomplish More Academy will be open soon, so click here and be the first on the list to receive updates and info.

Resources Mentioned:

Thank you for tuning in…

I appreciate you tuning into the Accomplish More Podcast today. There are many podcast choices out there and I’m honored that you chose mine. If you enjoyed today’s episode, please share. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email podcast@scrivenersolutions.com.