Showing 94 Result(s)

The Reluctant Networker with Greg Peters

Have you ever felt a little “reluctant” when it comes to networking? I know I have. As an introvert, it can be daunting to go out and do the whole networking thing. It feels awkward and sometimes forced. My guest, Greg Peters, totally understands. A computer programmer by training, Greg was the original reluctant networker. …

Talking Why You Are the Brand with Mike Kim

Personal brand is much bigger and all-encompassing than a logo, a color palette, a nice-looking website, and business cards. Your personal brand is the image you put forth both online and offline. Your values, unique skills, experiences, stories, personality, and image make up who you are and what you stand for. More than ever, people …

Cooking Up a New Career with Fran Groesbeck

Fran Groesbeck had taken her over 29 year of housewares industry experience and took the leap into becoming her own boss. She pushed through her fears of leaving a steady paycheck to create the business and lifestyle that had been living in her dreams. She uses her experience that includes product development, sourcing, manufacturing, and …

Talking Podcast Gear with Robert Scrivener

When it comes to recording and producing a podcast, there is a certain amount of gear you need. In this episode, I bring my sound engineer (and hubby), Robert Scrivener to the show as we talk about the equipment I use to record this show. The basics are: Microphone Headphones Recording Device Editing Software Below …