Showing 93 Result(s)

Position Your Pricing for Success with Paul Klein

Pricing expert, Paul Klein of the Pricing is Positioning Podcast joins me this week to discuss how knowledge-based businesses should be pricing their services. If you struggle with being stuck in the antiquated hourly rate modeland feeling like you’re never getting ahead, then this is most definitely the episode for you. Paul is a business …

How to Live Life Rich with Marissa Nehlsen

Chances are, if you made any New Year’s resolutions at all, at least one of them has to do with improving your finances. Often, we resolve that we are going to make a change, only to find ourselves discouraged at our progress. That’s why I invited Founder and CEO of Freedom Financial Group, Marissa Nehlsen …

Marketing Your Movement with Duane Zingale

Duane Zingale joins me in today’s show. I met Duane several months ago through some mutual colleagues. We immediately connected as we both do similar things for our client. Similar, yet a little different. We both very much believe in relationship-based marketing and we both tend to get distracted by the cool tech stuff out …

Branding from the Inside Out with Skot Waldron

When you think of branding your company, the first things we think of are logos, colors, basically how customers identify us in the marketplace. As today’s guest Skot Waldron explains, branding goes much deeper than logos and colors. Skot believes that your brand starts within your organization. He shares that you must a healthy inside …