How To Make the Most of Attending Online Events | The Gayla Scrivener Show Podcast

How To Make the Most of Attending Online Events

Many live events have been or are going to be moved online because of the challenges sparked by the coronavirus pandemic. The event coordinators of these events are working hard to make your online experience one that is valuable and worthy of your time and money, just as they would if they were holding a live event.

The biggest challenge in hosting an online event is gaining the participants’ attention. 

If you aren’t able to meet face-to-face for your favorite events, does that mean they are less valuable? Absolutely not. 

Why do you go to an event in the first place?

You will grow both personally or professionally. It’s up to you on how you make the most of the event whether it is a live or an online event.

Online events do pose a particular challenge.

To help with your online experience, this episode outlines five ways you can make the most of attending online events.

Here’s an overview:

  1. Block the time on your calendar
  2. Turn off distractions
  3. Go to a different space
  4. Take advantage of available chat room
  5. Follow-up

Listen to the full episode for ideas as I elaborate on each of the five ways you can make the most of attending online events.

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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener