Building the Right Connections on a Large Scale

Building the Right Connections on a Large Scale | An Interview with Joanne Weiland

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It’s important to get out there and shake some hands to make valuable and meaningful connections. When you network, you learn a lot about others, their businesses, and even yourself.

There comes a time when you need to break through and do more than just pass out business cards never to see the person again. There comes a time when you need to connect on a larger scale.

In this week’s podcast, I have a conversation with Joanne Weiland, Chief Collaborations Officer at LinktoEXPERT.


In 2007, Joanne created a platform to make it easy to link experts to decision makers in organizations to benefit both parties. Experts like coaches, consultants, speakers, team builders, trainers, facilitators, and authors in the LinktoEXPERT community are scaling their networking efforts in tremendous ways.

In our conversation, Joanne shares how she ran herself ragged running all over town networking and connecting and she knew there was a better way.

There are unique challenges when growing a business as a solopreneur. Time is precious and breaking through the mindset of working in your business to working on your business is an important factor in significant business growth.

Did you know that you must be seen at least 27 times before others think you’re credible? That’s HUGE! As a solopreneur, or someone just starting out, this episode is perfect for you. You will get fantastic ways to scaling your networking beyond the monthly chamber meeting. You will become better connected with those who want to hire you and with those who you need to hire.

If you are a coach, consultant, speaker, team builder, trainer, facilitator, or author, I urge you to contact Joanne and learn more about LinktoEXPERT. Currently, Joanne’s network reaches about 317,000 people regularly. Are you networking to that many individuals?

I must admit, our conversation went well beyond this week’s recording. I’m excited that I’ll bring her back in another episode in the coming weeks as we go into more about how content creation and distribution is an important factor in building the connections and relationships to prosper in your business.

Resources Mentioned:

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