#023 – The Dollars and Cents of Hiring a Virtual Assistant by Gayla Scrivener

The Dollars and Cents of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Money is a huge concern for most small business owners when it comes to deciding to hire someone. It’s probably the number one reason that holds most people back from getting help when they need it.

Because of our fear of how much hiring someone will cost, most of us will put on our superhero capes and trick ourselves that we can do everything.

What happens if we keep up the superhero pace?

  • Burn out
  • Health Problems
  • No business growth

Having the right people in place to help you achieve your goals in your business is key. I can’t stress that enough. Whether you dream of having a huge corporation or always want to work out of your home, the right team is important to allow you to get you where you want to go in your business.

There’s no doubt about it, the largest line item on any Profit & Loss report is going to be labor. In today’s episode, I get to the heart of the matter and talk about the dollars and cents when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant.

First, I touch on how our mindset on how we view money is important to be able to scale our use of time. Then, we talk numbers. We crunch the numbers in comparing hiring a full-time employee versus a virtual assistant.

Here’s the thing…you cannot just compare only the per hour rate. There’s more to consider.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

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