
Five Essentials You Need When Marketing Your Small Business

Five Essentials You Need When Marketing Your Small Business by Gayla Scrivener

How much time do you spend marketing your small business? It may seem like a full-time job, that’s for sure. When you must take care of your customers and everything else you must do to run your business, marketing tasks seem to go to the bottom of the list.

Setting up processes and visualizing how you’ll be able to delegate some pieces of your marketing is key in accomplishing more. You should train yourself to think, “How will all this get accomplished,” instead of “How will I accomplish everything?”

There’s a slight difference in sentences, but a huge difference in mindset. In the first, “How will all this get accomplished,” you open up your mind to possibilities. Sure, you may have to do the tasks yourself at first, but creating processes and thinking how you will hand it off later is quite helpful.

I believe that no matter what kind of business we have, we all must use at least five things when marketing our small businesses. You should develop a marketing strategy in all five areas and consistency in each is essential.

Everything you do, whether it’s in person or digital, tells a story. You have the opportunity to learn more about your customers and make connections like never before.

Join me in today’s podcast where I go over the five essential tools you must have when marketing your small business. Do you have a plan and strategy for all five?