Why I Told Her Don't Do A Website | The Gayla Scrivener Show Podcast

Why I Told Her Don’t Build A Website

Why I Told Her Don't Do A Website | The Gayla Scrivener Show Podcast

In this digital age, if you’re in business, having a website is a requirement.

Your website is your digital home. YOUR digital real estate. If you don’t have a website and are solely using social media to share your message, consider your content on borrowed land.

Your website paints a picture of who you are and what you stand for. It’s a means of helping people to get to know, like, and trust you. Those who you resonate with will do business with you.

The consistent content you place on your website, along with your social media and email plans help start and grow relationships. All these digital avenues for communication with our clients make up our marketing foundation.

If a website is so important, WHY did I steer my client NOT to build one for her business?

In today’s episode, I thought I’d pull the curtain back a bit and share tidbits of a recent consultation session I had with a client. 

My client has a tough time with tech. It wasn’t until about a year or so ago that she had gotten into the habit of opening and following up on her email.

My client and I sat down together for about a two-and-a-half-hour intense session where we unwrapped her goals, her aspirations, and her fears. 

She kept repeating that she wants to go online because there is such a need in the market for what she does. But as we went into more depth into the conversation, she really had no idea what being online meant or what that would look like.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not having a clear picture at this point, after all, that is why we’re working together. 

Instead of a website, this is what I suggested…

Intuitively, you’d think that the first thing I’d suggest to her was to create her website. After all, building an online platform starts with a website.

During our conversation, we brainstormed on many possibilities of how she could scale her business. The possibilities excited yet overwhelmed my client.

Recognizing that if we dove in too fast, she would be frustrated and give up on the whole online thing before she even started.

Truth be told, I did tell her that she will have her website…but not now. First, we agreed that she needed to get comfortable with some aspects of using tech while at the same time helping her with her current sales and follow-up process.

We are chunking things down so that working with tech isn’t so intimidating to her.

Our first mission is to set-up and train on how to use a CRM in her business. I recommended to her Less Annoying CRM, because it is a robust system and affordable.

Listen to today’s episode to get the whole story.



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