How a Technophobe Is Rockin’ the Virtual World | The Gayla Scrivener Show Podcast

How a Technophobe Is Rocking the Virtual World

How on earth does someone who’s such a technophobe is rocking the virtual world? There’s a lot of worry and uncertainty in current events and each one of us is affected, I’m seeing so much good and positive growth from many.

Even though we’re supposed to remain distant, communities are coming together and becoming closer, through virtual means. I’m inspired by the innovativeness, the bravery, and lighthearted ways to get through such a tough time.

Maybe more people are thinking outside of the constraints of the box they’ve set for themselves because they’ve been pushed into a corner to act. Maybe it’s because now, there’s the feeling that there’s nothing to lose.

Whatever the reason, I’m witnessing more and more people blazing into new territory and growing their businesses.

And Personal Organizer, Theresa Volesky, isn’t any different. She has totally impressed me on how she’s making a path for herself.

Theresa has technophobia. The definition of a technophobe is a person who fears, dislikes, or avoids new technology.

She doesn’t like technology and feels inadequate when it comes to anything tech. Things have changed!

I received this text from Theresa:

Hi Gayla, just finished with my first 4 hour zoom session.
Booked the next session. Hot Damn! 
I’m now officially a Virtual Organizer! Time to Celebrate!!

How does someone who is a self-proclaimed technophobe suddenly become a Virtual Organizer?

Theresa is very smart and determined. Her determination to not letting her business fold because of quarantine status is amazing!

This week’s episode, you can listen in on my conversation with Theresa as she shares her BIG wins of transitioning from fear of tech to embracing it. Her excitement and feeling of accomplishment are inspiring.

She no longer is tiptoeing around technology. She’s facing it head-on and creating opportunities for herself and those she serves.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller

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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener