The One Thing Holding You Back from Achieving Success

The One Thing Holding You Back from Achieving Success

There’s mainly one thing holding you back from achieving the success you desire.

Before we dive into that, let’s first break it down on what it means to be successful.


Dictionary.com defines success as “the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.”

But success has different meanings to different people. Everyone in his or her mind has a unique definition of what success means to them.

So much of the time, people put pressure on themselves because they are measuring themselves based on someone else’s ruler of what it means to be successful.

They are afraid of what other people think of them. They make up stories in their mind of what they think other people think of them. They make up stories in their minds believing they fall short of success.

Do you do this? It’s OK if you do…I know I find myself doing it.

On today’s episode, I share how I was measuring myself against other people’s rulers and was fuzzy on what my definition of success was.

I believe it’s important to STOP and really nail down what your definition of success. Don’t compare with how you think others define success. What does success look like to you? In your mind. What would give you a satisfied mind?

Achieve Clarity by Pinning Down Your Definition of Success

To gain clarity of what success means to you, try out Frank Kern’s Core Influence exercise, by asking yourself “if there were no limitations or consequences, what would your average perfect day look like?”

I challenge you to give yourself a mini retreat. Take the time and put pen to paper and completely write out your average perfect day. Your complete day. From the time you wake up until the time you go to bed. Be detailed.

If you take the time to truly analyze what success means to you… actually write it out…your perspective begins to shift. You will recognize the areas where you have achieved a level of success. You will recognize what needs to be done to move forward in reaching your perfect day…your success.

What’s the biggest obstacle blocking your success?

You may blame things like the economy…or the job your stuck in…or the area where you live…or you may even blame your family for holding you back.

But deep down, you know that the reality of what’s holding you back is YOU!

YOU are the one that limits your progress in achieving the success you desire.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

We all have them…limiting beliefs. We place ourselves in a little box. Our thoughts are powerful. They can move us toward growth, keep us at status-quo, and even spiral us toward destruction.

Are you up for the challenge? Are you going to make time for yourself and take the first step in getting out of your own way to your success? Will you actually write down your perfect day?

There’s Great News!

When you recognize that your mindset is truly the obstacle for achieving true success, it’s a liberating feeling. You begin to gain clarity and focus. What an important exercise right at the beginning of the year as you start your goals you’ve set for yourself.

The details of your perfect day exercise are as private as you wish. It should be an honest depiction of your perfect day…a day that without limitations or consequences…a day that you wouldn’t get tired of repeating.

I’m not asking you to share with me the details of your perfect day. Just drop me a note and let me know that you did the exercise. What is your biggest takeaway from writing down your perfect day?

Thank you for tuning in…

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