
How Growing a Bamboo Tree is Like Growing Your Business

I was inspired by an article that my team member, Arlene, wrote for one of our direct mail newsletter clients. He’s a financial advisor and the article was about the Chinese bamboo tree and how it relates to your financial planning.

I thought it was a great article and wanted to share it in today’s podcast. It’s a great analogy for not just doing your financial plan, but for many things in life, like growing your business. 

Once planted, like all plants, the bamboo tree requires water, fertile soil, and sunshine. In the first year, there are no visible signs of growth. There are still no visible signs of growth in the second, third, and even the fourth year.

Finally, in the fifth year, there is astonishing growth. The tree grows 80 feet in just six weeks.

Is it a miracle?


The little tree grows underground, developing a root system strong enough to support its potential for outward growth in the fifth year and beyond.

In our culture of instant gratification, we want immediate solutions to every complex problem and lack the patience and perseverance to stick to our plan.

Successful people don’t stop. They move forward, even if they don’t see immediate results.

The bamboo tree is a great analogy for many situations.

I believe that with our tech-driven world that encourages instant satisfaction and instant results, we’re placing a great deal of stress on ourselves. When instant doesn’t work, then you may be tempted to pluck up your little bamboo tree and move it elsewhere…hoping for instant results. You are making growth slower because you aren’t allowing your roots to take hold.

Please join me in this week’s podcast as I share more about how growing a bamboo tree is like growing your business.

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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener