
Does Delegating Your Social Media Make Your Posts Less Personal?

To leverage your time, it’s smart to outsource your social media management. You may fear that once you delegate your social posts, that your messaging will no longer be uniquely you. Your social feed will no longer be as personal.

On the contrary. Whether you’re posting everything yourself or outsourcing, your social feed can either be one that is intentional, engaging, entertaining, and helpful, or your posts could be like throwing spaghetti at the wall.

It’s up to you to create the systems to keep your social feed personal and relevant, no matter who is pushing the publish button. When you delegate some or all of your social media, you free your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Here are three things to keep in mind to keep in mind when it comes to outsourcing your social media management.

Focus on Your Core Piece of Content

Publish your blog, podcast, or vlog on a consistent basis. Your core piece of content is the beginnings of your foundation of your platform. This is where you share your ideas, teachings, and vision with your audience. This is where your social media manager will pull from for your social feed. If you have absolutely nothing that you are sharing on a consistent basis… then how do you expect anyone to read your mind.

Communicate with Your Social Media Manager

This may sound like a no-brainer, but if you’re not fond of social media management, there’s a tendency to delegate it and forget it. Falling into that trap will make your outsourcing experience be on shaky ground.

No one can read your mind. Create a system of meeting regularly with whomever you outsource your social media management to. Through the consistent overview review of processes and being available for questions and planning of future events, your social media manager will get to know you better. They will be better equipped to speak on your behalf. If you don’t set up a recurring check-in meeting with your social media manager, chances are, you won’t achieve the outcomes you desire.

Create Systems for Engagement.

By outsourcing your social media management to have a consistent social presence, you free your time to engage. If you aren’t stressed on what to post and when to post when you open up your social account, you can enjoy the feed. You can like and share posts that move you. As your social media manager gets to know you, they can help with responding and interacting with your audience on your behalf. Maybe you create a system that includes happy birthday wishes when the notification comes up on your feed or responding to comments.

Additional Resources

Free Download: 48 Social Media Post Ideas http://scrivenersolutions.com/48ideas

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