Can You Really Get Rich with a MLM | The Gayla Scrivener Podcast

Can a MLM Really Make You Rich?

There are many mixed feelings about multilevel marketing companies. Some say they are scams and look down on them. Others believe they are the quick fix to financial freedom. 

I believe that a MLM can be a fantastic work from anywhere business, but it’s not for everyone.

If you’re not familiar with what a multilevel marketing company is, generally speaking, you invest into the company by purchasing some sort of starter kit. From there, you are an un-salaried sales representative.

You earn a commission on the products you sell. You’re encouraged to bring on additional sales reps because you also earn commissions on the products they sell. In short, compensation is of a pyramid structure. The more reps you sign on and the more they sell, the more you earn. 

In this week’s podcast, I share my failed experience with joining a MLM. You’d think I’d be down on them, but I know exactly why it failed and why I shouldn’t have joined in the first place. Maybe my experience will help you avoid some heartache.

But, if joining an MLM is right for you, you need to remember something…

It’s not about the product.

I share in the podcast how important it is to create your personal brand so that you can earn more in your MLM.



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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener