Game Over Data Loss

Game Over! My Data is Gone

It happened. That sinking feeling that everything was lost.

All that data…all those images…at least a terabyte worth…GONE!

That’s when I heard it.

From my memory banks I heard the sound-byte of PacMan dying in my head. You know… those few notes that are played when the game is over.

Losing your data isn’t just sad, it can be costly…especially in your business. Costs come from the time you spend in recreating your work that was lost. You may also incur the expense of having someone trying to retrieve the data for you.

Drives fail. Computers crash. You spill tea on your laptop.

This stuff happens! And it happens at the most inopportune times.

In this week’s podcast, I tell you my “Game Over” story with my 2T hard drive. I share other stories and how backups and redundancy systems for your data should be elevated to the top of your mind.

Don’t let the excuses of “I don’t know how” or “I’m not techy” stop you from saving your important data. Those are excuses!

I’m not an expert or a whiz when it comes to backing up data. But I don’t think not being a whiz should be an excuse for not having good back-up practices in your business.

You can either learn how to back up your data by Googling for the info you need, or you can have someone do it for you.

Helping you stay organized is certainly a virtual assistant task. This could involve having your virtual assistant be the one who helps you organize your time to meet with your IT professional to create your system. Your system may include your VA to put it into his/her routine to ensure your backups are done routinely.

I’m curious…do you have a back-up routine of your data? If so, what is it? What services do you use? If not, what’s stopping you?

Email me at info@scrivenersolutions.com with your comments.

Catch me live every Friday at 2pm Central on Facebook. GaylaScrivener.com/Live

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iTunes | Accomplish More Podcast with Gayla Scrivener