#032 - Why All Businesses Should have a Facebook Page by Gayla Scrivener

Why All Businesses Should have a Facebook Page

There’s a lot of frustration and heartache when it comes to the subject of the reach Facebook awards Business Pages. Facebook always seems to be changing its algorithms and the only way to get exposure is to pay for ads. It leads people to wonder if they should even have a Facebook Page.

All the social media platforms are designed to enhance the end user experience, not to cater to businesses. If the end users complain about too many ads, or ads that don’t relate to them, then of course the algorithms will change. As business owners, we shouldn’t be discouraged with the changing algorithms, but instead we should be thinking of ways to connect and form relationships with our clients/customers in more meaningful ways.

In today’s podcast, I discuss the three main reasons why your business should have (or continue to use) a Facebook Business Page. Quickly, the reasons are:

  • 2 Billion Users…big pool…big opportunity
  • Facebook Pages may be viewed by non-Facebook users
  • It’s FREE to set up.

I dig a little deeper into each reason and give some examples for you to think about.

Resources Mentioned:

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