Choose What To Let Go

Focus on What Matters by Embracing the Law of 100%

Are you struggling to find time for what truly matters? Do you often feel overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list? That’s where the Law of 100% comes into play.

If you’re like me, your mind races with all that could be done. There’s never a shortage of great ideas and possible opportunities to enhance life’s journey. It becomes pretty stressful to try to do all things and be all things to all people. Something has to give.

The concept of the Law of 100% can help you prioritize your goals and make the most of your time, focusing on what truly matters to you at whatever season of life you’re in.

My good friend Fran Groesbeck shared with me that her former colleague, Mike Miller, taught her this concept and it had stuck with her for over 30 years.

The law of a hundred percent states that there is a limited amount of space or time available. Once it reaches its capacity, in order to add more, something else must be removed.

Let’s visualize this concept using an eight-ounce glass. If you fill the glass with four ounces of water and two ounces of another substance, you can’t add another four ounces without it spilling over. You must remove two ounces in order to accommodate the additional four.

The Law of 100% is about giving your full attention and effort to the activities that align with your goals and values. It involves eliminating distractions and focusing on what truly matters to you and letting go of things that pulls you away from what truly matters to you. By following this principle, you can achieve greater productivity, fulfillment, and success in various areas of your life.

Let’s touch on some concepts where utilizing the Law of 100% is helpful.

Understand Your Schedule

Time marches on the same for each and every one of us. Sketching out your schedule on a calendar Understanding where your time is being used is helpful. To utilize the Law of 100%, the first step is to assess your schedule and commitments. Take a close look at your calendar and evaluate the activities and tasks that are occupying your time. Determine which ones align with your goals and values, and identify any that can be eliminated or delegated.

It’s important to be realistic and allow for buffer time between scheduled events and commitments. Consider factors like travel time or the need to shift focus, as immediate transitions may not be possible. When considering taking on a new project, task, or obligation, assess whether there is enough available time on your schedule. Your schedule is likely already full, so consider what you would need to give up in order to accommodate the new obligation. Is the new commitment more important than what you would be giving up?

Distractions in Moderation

Distractions can significantly hinder your progress and prevent you from giving your full attention to important tasks. Sometimes we can use distractions to avoid doing the “hard stuff” that will get us to our goal.

Evaluate activities such as excessive TV watching, scrolling through social media, or spending excessive time on non-essential tasks. Consider giving up or reducing these distractions to create more time for activities that contribute to your goals.

While it is important to reduce distractions from non-essential activities, it is also important to give your brain and body a break for your well-being. Strive for a balance. Moderation is key when it comes to activities like watching TV, using social media, or indulging in leisurely pursuits. Enjoy these activities in moderation and ensure they do not consume excessive amounts of your time.

Use Tech and Delegate

Utilize technology to your advantage. There are numerous tools available to assist you in creating healthy habits, saving time on tasks, and remembering important matters.

For instance, try using the voice recording feature on your phone. Whenever you have a brilliant idea or a thought that aligns with your goals, record it using your phone’s voice recording app. You can then transcribe these recordings using tools like Temi, which saves time and helps organize your thoughts for future use.

Alternatively, many apps have talk-to-text capabilities that transcribe what you say in real time. Either method can capture your thoughts and ideas, helping you prioritize and remember things that are important to you.

Another effective way to maximize your time is by delegating or outsourcing tasks. Identify tasks that can be handled by others, whether it involves hiring an assistant or seeking help from colleagues or family members. Delegating tasks allows you to focus on high-priority activities and frees up time for tasks that directly contribute to achieving your goals.

Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability

Remember that life is full of unexpected events and circumstances. Embrace flexibility and adaptability when it comes to your goals and priorities. If things don’t go as planned or you encounter obstacles, find alternative solutions or adjust your timeline accordingly. Be open to change and trust that everything happens for a reason.

With the Law of 100%, you can prioritize your goals, reduce distractions, and make the most of your time. When accepting something new in your life, remember to consider what you will be letting go of. You have the power to choose what to let go. If you don’t make the choice, the Law of 100% will naturally let go of what spills out of your cup.

By focusing on what truly matters and giving your full attention to important tasks, you can achieve greater success and fulfillment in all areas of your life.